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HTML5 Banners

HTML5 Banners are the newest approach to create responsive banner ads.

Since consumers in the last years started to access the internet from their mobile devices more than from desktops, creating responsive display advertisements is now more important to marketers than ever before. However, plenty of different shapes and sizes of mobile device screens have evolved over the last years. Therefore, creating responsive banner ads has become critical in mobile advertising. Nevertheless, creating responsive banner ads that display correctly on all screen sizes is essential to make display advertising campaigns a success.

HTML5 is the latest update of the Hypertext Markup Language, which is the standard language used to describe the contents and design of web pages. HTML5 is a significant force in online advertising as it facilitates the flexibility to run banner ads on any device, wherever the targeted audiences are. It enables publishers and advertisers to create cross-device ad campaigns meaning they don’t have to create as many versions of the same ad as before.

Furthermore, reducing the number of ad versions will decrease the likelihood of errors and increase the banner production.