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Native Carousel

The Native Carousel is a special type of native advertising containing multiple swipeable ads.

The difference between a Native Carousel and other types of native advertising is the number of ads that are being displayed to the user. Using the carousel format, instead of just seeing one ad at a time, users can swipe horizontally to see more ads.

Native Mobile Carousels can be a very useful way of advertising for companies as it enables them to

  • feature different products that a potential customer can click on for a purchase or to get more information about
  • highlight different aspects or features of a product
  • illustrate complex products using multiple images
  • to tell the story of their brand and how it is beneficial for customers.

However, for the idea to actually be effective, advertisers need to urge users to continually swipe by offering a unique and interesting storyline while also informing them to keep swiping.