Entries by Pascal Ludynia

App Marketing Costs and How to Calculate Your Budget

Fulfilling your dream of being a successful app developer is not sorcery: It takes hard work, dedication and making the right decisions. After writing the code for and designing your app, you also have to consider your app marketing costs and how to spend your budget most effectively. We have mentioned the different ways to […]

Mobile Marketing – Leverage Your Marketing Campaign

We live in a mobile world! In our daily routine, we constantly use our mobile devices (smartphones and tablets). This trend gives marketers many new and exciting possibilities to advertise their products. Today, they can run a mobile marketing campaign in an attempt to capture the great potential of the mobile world. The number of […]

ASO – How to Do App Store Optimization the Right Way

After months of hard work, you finally finished the development of your mobile app. Now it is available in the app store(s) – but did you consider app store optimization? This aspect of mobile app promotion is a crucial part when you ask yourself: What makes people download my app and how can I reach […]

How to Effectively Promote Android Apps

If you’ve picked Android as your operating system, you need to promote your Android app in the most effective way to get awesome results. Navigation 1. The World of Android Maket Share | Play Store 2. Free Android App Promotion ASO | Free Channels 3. Paid Android App Promotion Ad Agencys | Incent vs Non-Incent […]

Effective Strategies to Promote iOS Apps

There are many criteria for developing a mobile app for Apple’s App Store. Developers need to have an idea about how to promote iOS apps to make sure that its visibility improves constantly. We collected some basic facts about proper iOS app promotion. Navigation 1. Andoid vs iOS The App Store | Distribution 2. Basic […]

The Basics of an Efficient Mobile App Promotion

Nowadays, people browse the internet through mobile devices and – more importantly – spend more than thrice as much time in apps compared to mobile browsers. Consequently, you need a waterproof concept for your mobile app promotion. In the following, we will present great strategies to ensure that people find and download your app. When Mobile […]

Mobile Advertising – Find the Right Ad Format

Mobile advertising is an important part of your marketing strategy that you should not only keep an eye, but truly focus on. But what are the best ways to advertise on mobile devices? Which ad formats can you choose? And which mobile advertising trends can you expect in 2017? What Is Mobile Advertising? The mobile […]

A Beginner’s Guide to Mobile User Acquisition

We all want to acquire loyal users for our apps: They should download, use and keep it on their smartphone for a long, long time. That’s the ideal state. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy in real life. So, how do you acquire mobile users the right way? Who Are Your Users? In order to acquire […]